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Topological sort (Kahn's algorithm) trouble

I am having trouble wrapping my head around my code in the nested for loop. I am following the Kahn's algorithm here on wiki: Kahn's. I don't understand how to test for if outgoingEdge has incoming edges for each endArray element (m).

Here is what I have so far:

    def topOrdering(self, graph):

    retList = []
    candidates = set()
    left = []
    right = []

    for key in graph:

    flattenedRight = [val for sublist in right for val in sublist]

    for element in left:
        if element not in flattenedRight:
            #set of all nodes with no incoming edges

    candidates = sorted(candidates)

    while len(candidates) != 0:
        a = candidates.pop(0)
        endArray = graph[a]

        for outGoingEdge in endArray:

            if outGoingEdge not in flattenedRight:

            del outGoingEdge

    if not graph:
        return "the input graph is not a DAG"
        return retList

Here is a picture visualizing my algorithm. Graph is in a form of an adjacency list. enter image description here


  • You can store indegree (number of incoming edges) separately and decrement the count every time you remove a vertex from empty set. When count becomes 0 add the vertex to empty set to be processed later. Here's example:

    def top_sort(adj_list):
        # Find number of incoming edges for each vertex
        in_degree = {}
        for x, neighbors in adj_list.items():
            in_degree.setdefault(x, 0)
            for n in neighbors:
                in_degree[n] = in_degree.get(n, 0) + 1
        # Iterate over edges to find vertices with no incoming edges
        empty = {v for v, count in in_degree.items() if count == 0}
        result = []
        while empty:
            # Take random vertex from empty set
            v = empty.pop()
            # Remove edges originating from it, if vertex not present
            # in adjacency list use empty list as neighbors
            for neighbor in adj_list.get(v, []):
                in_degree[neighbor] -= 1
                # If neighbor has no more incoming edges add it to empty set
                if in_degree[neighbor] == 0:
        if len(result) != len(in_degree):
            return None # Not DAG
            return result
    ADJ_LIST = {
        1: [2],
        2: [3],
        4: [2],
        5: [3]


    [1, 4, 5, 2, 3]