I'm trying to debug a problem similar to the following (except with Visual Studio for Mac) in a similar manner: Monodevelop - runs only using sudo
The root of my problem seems to be file permissions issues, as detailed here: https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/88506/access-denied-to-packages-folder-on-macos
I'd like to try running it using sudo if nothing else, and potentially debug the issue with dtruss
, but I haven't been able to locate the executable to trigger from the shell.
Where would I find it?
I found the VisualStudio app in /Applications/Visual Stuido.app/Contents/MacOS, and executing VisualStudio under sudo did resolve the issue of access to the packages folder. I will see what I can do to debug using dtruss
though I've not used it before. Any tips would be appreciated
It looks like I can't really mimic the strace
solution with dtruss
because I have to use sudo
with dtruss
regardless. If anyone can point at a way of comparing the sudo and non-sudo execution on MacOS like they do here Monodevelop - runs only using sudo it would be greatly appreciated.
I tried the following but it's not allowed:
sudo dtruss sudo ./VisualStudio
I found the reason why I needed to use sudo to open Visual Studio for Mac. I incorrectly used sudo when I cloned the repository. I had used sudo because I was confused by the failed authentication message with TFS previously. After I removed the solution folder and re-cloned the repository without sudo Visual Studio for Mac worked correctly.
As a side note, the only way I was able to authenticate from Git to TFS was by enabling credential caching: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/permanently-authenticating-with-git-repositories-776639846.html#PermanentlyauthenticatingwithGitrepositories-OSX