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Add column to created identity table in mvc project?

I use identity 2.0 in my MVC 5 project.

First time when I run the project in my DB has been created all default tables for authentication and authorization:

enter image description here

In AspNetUsers table I need to create additional column named LoyoutId of type integer.

My question is how can I add column to created default tables?


  • You can add profile data for the user by adding more properties to your ApplicationUser class, please visit this to learn more.

    In your case:

    public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
         public int LoyoutId { get; set; }

    Then open the Package Manager Console and execute following commands:

    PM> Enable-migrations //You don't need this as you have already done it
    PM> Add-migration Give_it_a_name //This will generate a database script file
    PM> Update-database //Run script file against database.

    Now, all the new properties will turn into AspNetUsers table.