I have been trying for quite some time now to make my Python program run on pc's that don't have python installed. I have issues because I'm using python 3.6.0. In this post I am going to discuss a method I got from this video.
The first thing I did, was install Python 3.5 and create a virtualenv for it, which I activated. You can see how I did that on the post I made earlier today. After I activated the environment, I used this command in cmd in the python 3.5 environment: pip install cx_Freeze
. It got installed with no errors. Then I made this setup.py
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
description='Berekent de wortels van een vkv',
executables = [Executable('vkv.py')])
The python file that I want to turn into a .exe
file is called vkv.py
. The vkv.py
file and the setup.py
file are both the only 2 files on this path: C:\Users\hp\Desktop\Code\Python testing\distr
Ok so now I only have to enter setup.py build
in the command line in order to make the .exe
file. But when I do that, I get a bunch of lines, with an error on the last line:
AttributeError: module 'dis' has no attribute '_unpack_opargs'
Does anyone know what I did wrong? Is it something in the setup.py
file, is it not setting up the virtualenv correctly? And does anyone know what this error means and how I can fix it?
You are dealing with an version of cx_freeze
that has a bug that manifests itself for versions larger than 3.5.2
, this issue has already been reported here and fixed.
In short, a small change was introduced in Python 3.5.2
that cx_freeze
failed to catch, now a check is made to work smoothly.
In short, you'll need to update cx_freeze
, you could either try pip install -U cx_freeze
or get the source for it.
p.s Using Python 3.6 right now probably isn't the best idea since quite some changes were made and bugs might take a while to be caught and fixed.