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IDictionary of class displayed in a table c#

I have an IDictionary which holds an ever changing list of my class and I want to display the collection in a winforms UI probably using DataGridView or another control. I plan to have timer that refreshes the table every 1 to 2 seconds and a pause button. when any given row is clicked I need to be able to get the class from the dictionary or return the first field which be the key in the IDictionary.

So I create the IDictionary thus:

public static IDictionary<string, AClass> aList = new Dictionary<string, AClass>();

AClass is a simple collection of strings:

public class AClass
    public string data1{ get; set; }
    public string data2{ get; set; }

I add the AClass to the IDictionary thus:

 if (!MainForm.aircraftList.ContainsKey(strMyData))
            MainForm.aList[strMyData] = new AClass{ data1= strMyData};

How can I create the table with all the columns from AClass which are around 12 and rows from the IDictionary aList of which there is a variable number hovering around 100.


  • To possibly help you get started, below is code that uses a DataGridView to display data using a DataTable; a List<AClass> objects and also using a Dictionary<string, AClass>. As I said using a dictionary, you will have to do some extra steps to get the AClass Value from the dictionary. These extra steps indicate that the Dictionary is not necessarily the best data structure to use as a DataSource if there a multiple variables in your class.

    The code below uses a DataGridView and four (4) buttons. There are buttons to display data into the DataGridView using a DataTable; a List<AClass> (added a key), and a Dictionary<string, AClass> and finally a button to clear the DataGridView

    Hope this helps.

    public Dictionary<string, AClass> DGVDictionary;
    public DataTable DGVTable;
    public List<AClass> DGVList;
    public Form1() {
    private Dictionary<string, AClass> GetDictionary() {
      Dictionary<string, AClass> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, AClass>();
      for (int key = 0; key < 15; key++) {
        AClass ac = new AClass();
        ac.data1 = "data1" + key;
        ac.data2 = "data2" + key;
        dictionary.Add(key.ToString(), ac);
      return dictionary;
    private void CreateTable() {
      DGVTable = new DataTable();
      DGVTable.Columns.Add("key", typeof(int));
      DGVTable.Columns.Add("data1", typeof(string));
      DGVTable.Columns.Add("data2", typeof(string));
    private void FillDataTable() {
      for (int key = 0; key < 15; key++) {
        AClass ac = new AClass();
        ac.data1 = "data1" + key;
        ac.data2 = "data2" + key;
        DGVTable.Rows.Add(key, ac.data1, ac.data2);
    private List<AClass> FillList() {
      List<AClass> list = new List<AClass>();
      for (int key = 0; key < 15; key++) {
        AClass ac = new AClass();
        ac.key = key;
        ac.data1 = "data1" + key;
        ac.data2 = "data2" + key;
      return list;
     private void buttonDataTable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
      dataGridView1.DataSource = DGVTable;
      MessageBox.Show("DGV with a DataTable");
    private void buttonList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
      DGVList = FillList();
      dataGridView1.DataSource = DGVList;
      MessageBox.Show("DGV with a List<AClass>");
    private void buttonDictionary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
      DGVDictionary = GetDictionary();
      dataGridView1.DataSource = DGVDictionary.ToList();
      MessageBox.Show("DGV with a Dictionat<string, AClass>");
    private void buttonClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
      dataGridView1.DataSource = null;