I want to configure the routes for my project via F3. First I installed him via Composer and then I used the instructions about routing engine from This and This.
Then in browser if I'm going to URL localhost/myproject/
it is working fine. But if I'm going to URL localhost/myproject/route1
it isn't working for me and gives 404 server status error. Why?
My code in "index.php":
$f3 = \Base::instance();
$f3->route('GET /', function() {
echo '123';
$f3->route('GET /route1', function() {
echo '345';
It is the easiest project without anything with only F3. Where I wrong?
make sure you got this .htaccess in your folder and in case that this does not help, comment in the RewriteBase /
and adjust the path to match you sub-folder ("myproject").