I want to use the new googleAnalyticsR package to extract Google Analytics data using the v4 API.
The documentation (http://code.markedmondson.me/googleAnalyticsR/v4.html) demonstrates the execution of a query using one ga_id, but not using multiple view ids. There is another R package called GAR which permits the execution of multiple view id in a single Google Analytics query, but the googleAnalyticsR package includes v4 API features. I attempted to query multiple view ids using ga_id <- c('viewId','viewId'), but the query returns an error. Is there a way to query multiple view ids using googleAnalyticsR v4 API?
This probably isn't supported in API directly, but given you are using R, this could be very easily achieved using FOR loops. Below is an example where I am querying multiple GA views (1 view = 1 language version of the site):
viewId <- c(6006393, 79777098, 79781440, 79981805, 75315234, 78174757, 76630182, 79447058)
ga_data_final <- data.frame()
for (i in viewId) {
ga_data_temp <-
google_analytics_4(i, #=This is a (dynamic) ViewID parameter
date_range = c("2014-01-01",
metrics = c("sessions"),
dimensions = c("yearMonth",
max = -1)
ga_data_temp$viewId <- i
ga_data_final <- rbind(ga_data_final, ga_data_temp)
The code above retrieves:
It's using 2 dataframes - the master one is created as empty before FOR loop starts. Every FOR cycle pulls rows for 1 view (temporarily stored in ga_data_temp) and once finished, appends them to the master dataframe (ga_data_final).
Hope this helps.