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How CMOS RAM stores year in one byte

In this website, I find that the year in CMOS RAM is stored in just one byte.

enter image description here

It is known that one byte only holds 0 to 255, so I write this code to get what 09H store:

assume cs:code,ss:stack

stack segment
    db 64 dup (0)
stack ends

code segment
    mov ax,stack
    mov ss,ax
    mov sp,64

    mov al,09H
    out 70H,al
    in al,71H

    mov ah,4CH
    int 21H
code ends

end start

I get a return value 17H from port 71H, so does it mean CMOS RAM stores year by 1994 + offset value?

If so, what does number 1994 mean? In the future, how CMOS RAM stores the year more than 2249(1994+255)?


  • The register 09h of the CMOS stores the current year in the current century.
    Its value ranges from 0 to 99.

    CMOS 09h - RTC - YEAR  
    Desc:   (BCD 00-99, Hex 00-63)  
    Notes:  BCD/Hex selection depends on Bit 2 of register B (0Bh) 

    It is encoded either as BCD (values 0x00 to 0x99) or as plain binary (values 0x00 to 0x63).
    The encoding is determined by the bit2 of register 0xb

    CMOS 0Bh - RTC - STATUS REGISTER B (read/write)  
    Bitfields for Real-Time Clock status register B:  
    Bit(s)  Description     (Table C002)  
     7      enable cycle update  
     6      enable periodic interrupt  
     5      enable alarm interrupt  
     4      enable update-ended interrupt  
     3      enable square wave output  
     2      Data Mode - 0: BCD, 1: Binary  
     1      24/12 hour selection - 1 enables 24 hour mode  
     0      Daylight Savings Enable - 1 enables  

    In my system register 0xb has value 0x2 (24-h enabled, BCD date).
    Register 0x9 reads 0x17 for 2017, which is correct, in my frame of reference, for my timeline.