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Google Fit API Sleep insert and read DataPoint in Session

I try (like in the topic described) to insert and read Sleep as an Fitness Activity. Main Goal is to analyse a whole sleep with (when was Light/deep sleep and how long) for a single Session. Connection to GoogleFit succeed. But i have trouble with Datapoint and Data Session. Maybe you can help me. Thanks guys :D

A little bit of code where i think i'm trouble. I'm aware of the not clear code. i tried to copy i tried to paste. in some parts the names doesn't fit. But as i mention. i try to figure out the light and deep sleep phases during a sleep session. I gather this date with sonyband 2.

private class InsertAndVerifySessionTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
    protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
        //First, create a new session and an insertion request.
       SessionInsertRequest insertRequest = insertFitnessSession();

        Log.i(TAG, "Inserting the session in the History API"); insertStatus =
                Fitness.SessionsApi.insertSession(mClient, insertRequest)
                        .await(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

        // Before querying the session, check to see if the insertion succeeded.
        if (!insertStatus.isSuccess()) {
            Log.i(TAG, "There was a problem inserting the session: " +
            return null;

        // At this point, the session has been inserted and can be read.
        Log.i(TAG, "Session insert was successful!");
        // [END insert_session]

        // Begin by creating the query.
        SessionReadRequest readRequest = readFitnessSession();

        // [START read_session]
        // Invoke the Sessions API to fetch the session with the query and wait for the result
        // of the read request. Note: Fitness.SessionsApi.readSession() requires the
        // ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
        SessionReadResult sessionReadResult =
                Fitness.SessionsApi.readSession(mClient, readRequest)
                        .await(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

        // Get a list of the sessions that match the criteria to check the result.
        Log.i(TAG, "Session read was successful. Number of returned sessions is: "
                + sessionReadResult.getSessions().size());
        for (Session session : sessionReadResult.getSessions()) {
            // Process the session

            // Process the data sets for this session
            List<DataSet> dataSets = sessionReadResult.getDataSet(session);
            for (DataSet dataSet : dataSets) {
        // [END read_session]

        return null;

private SessionInsertRequest insertFitnessSession() {
    Log.i(TAG, "Creating a new session for an afternoon run");
    // Setting start and end times for our run.
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date now = new Date();

    long endTime = cal.getTimeInMillis();
    cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -10);
    long endWalkTime = cal.getTimeInMillis();
    cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -10);
    long startWalkTime = cal.getTimeInMillis();
    cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -10);
    long startTime = cal.getTimeInMillis();

    DataSource activitySegmentDataSource = new DataSource.Builder()
            .setName(SAMPLE_SESSION_NAME + "-activity segments")
   DataSet activitySegments = DataSet.create(activitySegmentDataSource);

    DataPoint firstRunningDp = activitySegments.createDataPoint()
            .setTimeInterval(startTime, startWalkTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    DataPoint walkingDp = activitySegments.createDataPoint()
            .setTimeInterval(startWalkTime, endWalkTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    DataPoint secondRunningDp = activitySegments.createDataPoint()
            .setTimeInterval(endWalkTime, endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    // [START build_insert_session_request]
    // Create a session with metadata about the activity.
    Session session = new Session.Builder()
            .setDescription("Long run around Shoreline Park")
            .setStartTime(startTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            .setEndTime(endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

    // Build a session insert request
    SessionInsertRequest insertRequest = new SessionInsertRequest.Builder()

    // [END build_insert_session_request]
    // [END build_insert_session_request_with_activity_segments]

    return insertRequest;

 * Return a {@link SessionReadRequest} for all speed data in the past week.
private SessionReadRequest readFitnessSession() {
    Log.i(TAG, "Reading History API results for session: " + SAMPLE_SESSION_NAME);
    // [START build_read_session_request]
    // Set a start and end time for our query, using a start time of 1 week before this moment.
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date now = new Date();
    long endTime = cal.getTimeInMillis();
    cal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -1);
    long startTime = cal.getTimeInMillis();

    // Build a session read request
    SessionReadRequest readRequest = new SessionReadRequest.Builder()
            .setTimeInterval(startTime, endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

    // [END build_read_session_request]

    return readRequest;

private void dumpDataSet(DataSet dataSet) {
    Log.i(TAG, "Data returned for Data type: " + dataSet.getDataType().getName());
    for (DataPoint dp : dataSet.getDataPoints()) {
        DateFormat dateFormat = getTimeInstance();
        Log.i(TAG, "Data point:");
        Log.i(TAG, "\tType: " + dp.getDataType().getName());
        Log.i(TAG, "\tStart: " + dateFormat.format(dp.getStartTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
        Log.i(TAG, "\tEnd: " + dateFormat.format(dp.getEndTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
        for(Field field : dp.getDataType().getFields()) {
            Log.i(TAG, "\tField: " + field.getName() +
                    " Value: " + dp.getValue(field));

private void dumpSession(Session session) {
    DateFormat dateFormat = getTimeInstance();
    Log.i(TAG, "Data returned for Session: " + session.getName()
            + "\n\tDescription: " + session.getDescription()
            + "\n\tStart: " + dateFormat.format(session.getStartTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
            + "\n\tEnd: " + dateFormat.format(session.getEndTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));


  • 5 days to solve the insert session on GoogleFit.... That's my code:

    Log.d(iKcal.TAG + "/" + TAG, "Inserting sessions on GoogleFit ...");

        DataSource activitySegmentDataSource = new DataSource.Builder()
        DataSource kcalSegmentDataSource = new DataSource.Builder()
                .setName("Kcal burned")
        DataSet activityDataSet = DataSet.create(activitySegmentDataSource);
        DataSet kcalDataSet = DataSet.create(kcalSegmentDataSource);
        DataPoint activityDataPoint = activityDataSet.createDataPoint().setTimeInterval(fitness.getStart().getTime(), fitness.getEnd().getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        DataPoint kcalDataPoint = kcalDataSet.createDataPoint().setTimeInterval(fitness.getStart().getTime(), fitness.getEnd().getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        kcalDataPoint.getValue(Field.FIELD_CALORIES).setFloat((float) (fitness.getKcal()));
        Session session = new Session.Builder()
                .setIdentifier(fragmentActivity.getString(R.string.app_name) + "_" + fitness.getFitnessID()) // ID FITNESS DB
                .setStartTime(fitness.getStart().getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .setEndTime(fitness.getEnd().getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
        SessionInsertRequest insertRequest = new SessionInsertRequest.Builder()
                .addDataSet(kcalDataSet)        // Inserimento kcal
                //.addDataSet(activityDataSet)    // Inserimento attività
        PendingResult<> pendingResult = Fitness.SessionsApi.insertSession(mGoogleApiClient, insertRequest);
        pendingResult.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<>() {
            public void onResult(@NonNull status) {
                if (status.isSuccess())
    private void onPostExecuteInsert (boolean value){
        FitnessActivity fitnessActivity = (FitnessActivity) fragmentActivity;
        if(value) {
            Log.d(iKcal.TAG + "/" + TAG, "Session inserted on GoogleFit!");
            Toast.makeText(fragmentActivity, R.string.aggiunto_fitness_db_fit, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        } else {
            Log.d(iKcal.TAG + "/" + TAG, "Failed to insert session on GoogleFit!");
            Toast.makeText(fragmentActivity, R.string.aggiunto_fitness_solo_db, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        fragmentActivity.startActivity(new Intent(fragmentActivity, MainActivity.class));

    At the end I dismiss a Dialog and I call a new Activity but you can do everything. You don't receive results because it's return after 400-500 milliseconds.

    The insert works perfectly but I can't read well: If I try to read in onCreate or onResume the first time doesn't work, but if I insert a new Session and read, works perfectly.