I'm trying to run a python script but I get this error. AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'winType'
The actual contents of the file are:
import time
import pylsl
import bci.open_bci_v3 as bci
#from random import random as rand
from pylsl import StreamInfo, StreamOutlet
from psychopy import prefs
prefs.general['audioLib'] = ['pygame']
from psychopy import visual, core, sound
import esys_cfg
info = StreamInfo('OpenBCI', 'EEG', NUM_CHANNELS, SAMP_RATE, 'float32', 'myuid34234')
outlet = StreamOutlet(info)
#funtion call to start displaying images
#def displayStimuli
# for file in os.listdir('directory'):
# for i in range(0,len(images)):
# def display(files, .....):
# ex: file_name = ['/dir/dir2/img.png']
window = visual.Window([512, 512])
cfg = esys_cfg.create_config('../stimulus-config/test.yml')
#trial_order = ['one', 'two', 'one']
for element in cfg.trial_order: #loop through all elements in array trial_order
imageIndex = 0
for imageIndex in range(len(cfg.trials[element].files)):
stimulis = cfg.trials[element].stimuli_folder + '/' + cfg.trials[element].files[imageIndex]
showStim = visual.ImageStim(window, stimulis)
How can I correct this and run the program?
The error arises in the line
which should read
and if you only have one window, simply do
which draws in the window that showStim
was given as argument at initialization. BTW, initializing a psychopy stimulus is computationally heavy (easily takes a few hundred milliseconds), so do it once at the beginning of the script and then update the relevant aspect during runtime. In your case, do this:
showStim = visual.ImageStim(window) # initialize the stimulus
for element in cfg.trial_order: #loop through all elements in array trial_order
imageIndex = 0
for imageIndex in range(len(cfg.trials[element].files)):
stimulis = cfg.trials[element].stimuli_folder + '/' + cfg.trials[element].files[imageIndex]
showStim.image = stimulus # update the image