I'm making an app where I have tasks with due dates and once they are done I want to set a new due date for according to a new date according to a day of the week repeat pattern chosen by the user.
Im saving due dates as Date. Im saving the repeat pattern as Int32 (1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 4 for Tuesday...) but I can easily get it to an array of Strings or numbers representing each day
How do I get the next due date as Date (so I can repeat the task)?
if I have a task that is completed on a Saturday and has repeat pattern of every Monday and Wednesday I want it to be set to the next Monday. If it is them completed on Monday or Tuesday I want to set the next Wednesday.
Photo of the repeat pattern choosing
Month is never selected when other days are selected. I know how to deal with the Month. The problem is just with the days of the week
Never use 86400
for date math, Calendar
and IndexSet
have powerful methods to do that:
// Put your weekday indexes in an `IndexSet`
let weekdaySet = IndexSet([1, 2, 4, 7]) // Sun, Mon, Wed and Sat
// Get the current calendar and the weekday from today
let calendar = Calendar.current
var weekday = calendar.component(.weekday, from: Date())
// Calculate the next index
if let nextWeekday = weekdaySet.integerGreaterThan(weekday) {
weekday = nextWeekday
} else {
weekday = weekdaySet.first!
// Get the next day matching this weekday
let components = DateComponents(weekday: weekday)
calendar.nextDate(after: Date(), matching: components, matchingPolicy: .nextTime)