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Share dataset between two azureml environnement

a friend have sent me a python3 notebook with his dataset to validate his notebook.

but when i try to use his dataset on my azureml workspace i have an error saying that the dataset does not exist

he sent me his datset code :

from azureml import Workspace

ws = Workspace(
ds = ws.datasets['mini.csv00']
frame = ds.to_dataframe()


when i try to use it i have a :

ndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-5f41120e38e4> in <module>()
----> 1 ds = ws.datasets['mini.csv00']
      2 frame = ds.to_dataframe()
      4 frame

/home/nbuser/anaconda3_23/lib/python3.4/site-packages/azureml/ in __getitem__(self, index)
    461                     return self._create_dataset(dataset)
--> 463         raise IndexError('A data set named "{}" does not exist'.format(index))
    465     def add_from_dataframe(self, dataframe, data_type_id, name, description):

IndexError: A data set named "mini.csv00" does not exist

error ...

But when i try it on my computer jupyter it works. Any ideas ?

Thanks and regards


  • I guess you are using Jupyter notebook on AzureML to do the experiment. In that case the 'mini.csv00' should be in your experiments with workspace_id='toto'.

    Create a new experiment in your workspace named toto and put the dataset into it first. Then open the dataset using 'open in a new Notebook'.

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