I have published an app using ClickOnce for about a year with relatively few issues.
This week I am off site, but needed to make some changes to the app and the way the autoupdate works - so I am publishing to the IIS of my local machine rather than the normal distribution server for testing. The wierd thing is that as of yesterday afternoon, I started receiving the warning
Published version already exists on the server, do you want to overwrite it
But the version i am publishing is way beyond that ( currently), so I shouldn't be receiving the warning at all.
Frankly, it's not hurting anything, I can choose yes and publish over it without any problem, but I would like to know what is happening. Does anybody have any idea?
EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION is on the server, but I am publishing versions greater than that version, so I should not be warned. The last version I published was
The version number I am referring to above is the Publish Version from the Publish tab of VS2008, not the Assembly Version.
MORE INFO I just opened my MYApp.Application file with MageUI and it says the version is I deleted the file, recompiled and published. New file has the exact same version. Yet when I look under my VS Publish tag, it says Deployment Version is
Where is VS pulling the number from when building my manifest??
I just had the same problem today, Just do a "Clean" on the project and then publish again (right click over project icon in solution explorer then Clean). This worked for me.