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How to get underlying type from typed DataSet

I've been searching a lot but I haven't found anything about this question. I'm making a log of my app and I'm printing types of variables and their values. I want to do the same for every object I receive as parameter, and for every object I return too. So I'm returning a typed dataset (MyDataSet that's defined as MyDataSetType e.g.) but I can't retrieve MyDataSetType name.

I have a method that given a dataset, returns a string with all the content. Something like this:

    string GetLogStringFromDataSetParameter(System.Data.DataSet incomingDataSet)
        StringBuilder strReturn = new StringBuilder();
        strReturn.Append("DataSet (type ");
        strReturn.Append("). ");
        // .. do some validations
        strReturn.Append("Contains ");
        strReturn.Append(" tables.");
        for (int i = 0; i < incomingDataSet.Tables.Count; i++)
            System.Data.DataTable table = incomingDataSet.Tables[i];
            strReturn.Append(" Tabla " + table.TableName + " (" + i + ") ");
            strReturn.Append(<Method to list table content>);
        }//yes, this could have been a foreach loop...
        return FormatStringToLog(strReturn);
     }  //end

As you can see, I'm using my own method GetTypeName to retrieve de name of my typed dataset. I've made this method after some investigation through this site:

public static string GetTypeName<T>(T parameter)
    string strReturn = typeof(T).Name;
    if (strReturn.IndexOf("Nullable") >= 0)
        strReturn = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T)).Name;
    else if (strReturn.IndexOf("List") >= 0)
        strReturn = "List of " + typeof(T).GetGenericArguments()[0].Name;
        if (strReturn.IndexOf("Nullable") >= 0)
            strReturn = "List of " +  Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T).GetGenericArguments()[0]).Name;
    return strReturn;

When I'm inside of GetLogStringFromDataSetParameter method, if I try typeof(MyDataSet) it returns correctly MyDataSetType. But when I make the call to GetTypeName it returns DataSet only, the generic type. Why is this? Is there any way to retrieve correctly MyDataSetType without calling directly to typeof()?

I hope I've explained everything clear enough. Thanks in advance.


  • That is because typeof(T) has nothing to do with the incoming Dataset type.

    At compile-time the method is instantiated for the plain Datset type, and T is of type Dataset.

    To solve it, simply use parameter.GetType() instead of typeof(T)