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No route matches [GET] "staticpage.html"

I am trying to setup a new static and later dynamic page.

Inside app/controllers/ I created detailpages_controller.rb. Inside I have:

class DetailPagesController < ApplicationController    
 def show

Then, on config/routes.rbI have:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
   root 'welcome#index'
   DetailPagesController.action_methods.each do |action|
    get "/#{action}", to: "detailpages##{action}", as: "#{action}_page"

On app/viewes/pages there is a detailpages.html.erb file that just contains a <h2>Hello World</h2>

When I go to http://localhost:3000/detailpages.html I get:

No route matches [GET] "/detailpages.html"

if I just do localhost:3000 my index.html works perfectly fine but I can't, for my life, add this new page so I can later link to it.

Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?


  • You can map to the detailpages.html with

    get 'detailpages.html' => 'detail_pages#show', as: :detail_page

    Also you need to edit the name of your DetailPagesController, it should be detail_pages_controller.rb. Every word is separated with _, called snake casing.

    You will also need a corresponding view, placed in app/views/detail_pages/show.html.erb