I have been building relatively simple Android Keyboard from ground up following this Android SoftKeyboard sample. I can't seem to find any solution that would allow me to disable spell-checking functionality with my custom keyboard. Every text typed has a black underline indicating possible spell error even though I have not implemented spell-checking services.
Tried to find appropriate code fragment that disables spell-checking in Android/LatinIME but in vain.
Any tips are highly appreciated
The black underline is called composing text. Its used to show text that may be replaced by an autocorrect or other action- it isn't fully finished text yet. Its done by calling setComposingText. Instead of using that, use commitText and it won't use the underline version (and a dozen other differences under the hood).
Note that if you're exactly following the linked code you'll have to make a lot of other changes too, to move from word at a time to letter at a time input (composing text is completely replaced each time a new input is made, so you need to send down the entire word until you commitText of complete the composing text. SO you probably have a but of work to change it to use commitText).