I'm trying to plot multiple layers in Gadfly plot with a pattern as following:
p=plot(yintercept=[0,1,2,3],Geom.hline(color=colorant"darkgray", size=0pt),
[ layer( x=locs, y=BS[:,i]+1-1, Geom.line,Theme(default_color=colorant"red") ) for i in ind[1] ] ... ,
[ layer( x=locs, y=BS[:,i]+2-1, Geom.line,Theme(default_color=colorant"red") ) for i in ind[2] ] ... ,
[ layer( x=locs, y=BS[:,i]+3-1, Geom.line,Theme(default_color=colorant"red") ) for i in ind[3] ] ... ,
[ layer( x=locs, y=BS[:,i]+4-1, Geom.line,Theme(default_color=colorant"red") ) for i in ind[4] ] ...
It's quite annoying to add layers manually when m getting large(currently m is up to 4). So I want to write a loop to add layers to current plot p.
p=plot(yintercept=[0,1,2,3],Geom.hline(color=colorant"darkgray", size=0pt) )
for m=0:M
q = append!(p.layers, [ layer( x=locs, y=BS[:,i]+m, Geom.line,Theme(default_color=colorant"red") ) for i in ind[m+1] ] ... )
The loop doesn't work now. Any ideas on how to easily get the layers added?
Since Gadfly is inspired by ggplot2, then we can use the DataFrames library and apply the stack
function. Consider the following:
using DataFrames: DataFrame, head, stack
my_df = DataFrame(x = collect(1:100));
Now suppose we add columns for different slope values of the slope-intercept equation. That is,
for i in .1:.1:1.
my_df[Symbol("line_" * string(i))] = 100 + my_df[:x] * i
So that the head of our dataset is given below:
julia> print(head(my_df))
│ Row │ x │ line_0.1 │ line_0.2 │ line_0.3 │ line_0.4 │ line_0.5 │ line_0.6 │
│ 1 │ 1 │ 100.1 │ 100.2 │ 100.3 │ 100.4 │ 100.5 │ 100.6 │
│ 2 │ 2 │ 100.2 │ 100.4 │ 100.6 │ 100.8 │ 101.0 │ 101.2 │
│ 3 │ 3 │ 100.3 │ 100.6 │ 100.9 │ 101.2 │ 101.5 │ 101.8 │
│ 4 │ 4 │ 100.4 │ 100.8 │ 101.2 │ 101.6 │ 102.0 │ 102.4 │
│ 5 │ 5 │ 100.5 │ 101.0 │ 101.5 │ 102.0 │ 102.5 │ 103.0 │
│ 6 │ 6 │ 100.6 │ 101.2 │ 101.8 │ 102.4 │ 103.0 │ 103.6 │
│ Row │ line_0.7 │ line_0.8 │ line_0.9 │ line_1.0 │
│ 1 │ 100.7 │ 100.8 │ 100.9 │ 101.0 │
│ 2 │ 101.4 │ 101.6 │ 101.8 │ 102.0 │
│ 3 │ 102.1 │ 102.4 │ 102.7 │ 103.0 │
│ 4 │ 102.8 │ 103.2 │ 103.6 │ 104.0 │
│ 5 │ 103.5 │ 104.0 │ 104.5 │ 105.0 │
│ 6 │ 104.2 │ 104.8 │ 105.4 │ 106.0 │
Now we then plot x and the 10 lines. To do so, we need to stack the columns of these lines. That is,
my_df_stack = DataFrame(x = repeat(my_df[:x], outer = [length(collect(.1:.1:1.))]),
var = stack(my_df[2:end])[1],
val = stack(my_df[2:end])[2]);
So that,
julia> print(head(my_df_stack))
6×3 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ x │ var │ val │
│ 1 │ 1 │ line_0.1 │ 100.1 │
│ 2 │ 2 │ line_0.1 │ 100.2 │
│ 3 │ 3 │ line_0.1 │ 100.3 │
│ 4 │ 4 │ line_0.1 │ 100.4 │
│ 5 │ 5 │ line_0.1 │ 100.5 │
│ 6 │ 6 │ line_0.1 │ 100.6 │
Finally, the plot is done as follows:
using Gadfly
plot(my_df_stack, x = :x, y = :val, group = :var, Geom.line)
plot(my_df_stack, x = :x, y = :val, color = :var, Geom.line)