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Nexus: How can I download latest minor version of artifact using nexus rest api

I want to download latest minor version of an artifact from Nexus. Something like below:


Nexus rest api doesn't accept version like 3.0.x or 3.0.*.

I can't use v=LATEST because it might change the major version.

Is there any way available to solve this.


  • Solved the problem by adding groovy with ant and created a macro to fetch latest minor version from nexus.

    <taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpath="Ant-library/groovy-all-2.2.1.jar"/>
    <macrodef name="fetchLatestMinor">
        <attribute name="group" default="NOT SET"/>
        <attribute name="artifact" default="NOT SET"/>
        <attribute name="majorVersion" default="NOT SET"/>
        <attribute name="repo" default="NOT SET"/>
        <attribute name="packaging" default="NOT SET"/>
        <attribute name="destination" default="NOT SET"/>
            <property name="latestVersion" value=""/>
                def url = "http://local:8081/nexus/service/local/lucene/search?a=@{artifact}&amp;v="+@{majorVersion}+".*-SNAPSHOT"
                def xml = url.toURL().text
                def root = new XmlParser().parseText(xml)
                properties["latestVersion"] =[0].version.text()
            <get src="http://local:8081/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/content?g=@{group}&amp;a=@{artifact}&amp;v=${latestVersion}&amp;r=@{repo}&amp;p=@{packaging}" dest="@{destination}"/>
    <target name="run">
        <fetchLatestMinor group="<group_name>" artifact="<artifact_name>" majorVersion="2.0" repo="<repo_name>" packaging="war" destination="abc.war" />