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How to format output of results using output hooks in knitr?

I have a Rnw file a.Rnw with the following contents:


I produce a pdf by

Rscript -e 'knitr::knit("a.Rnw")'
pdflatex a.tex

The output in a.pdf looks like this:

Output of knitr chunk

How do I get the output to look like this:

R> 1+1
## [1] 2

That is, how do I put R> in front of the R code and remove the blank line between code and output?


  • To show R> in front of all R commands, I set the R prompt using options and tell knitr to show the prompt using opts_chunk (code at bottom of answer).

    Getting rid of the new line is a bit trickier because the R code and R output in the generated tex file looks like this:

    \hlstd{R> }\hlnum{1}\hlopt{+}\hlnum{1}
    ## [1] 2

    So the newline between R code and its output is not generated explicitly by knitr, but is due to a new paragraph being started between \end{alltt} and \begin{verbatim}. The verbatim environment adds above and below it the current value of \topsep (see here). So I patch the knitrout environment such that this variable is locally set to 0pt. Here is the new version of a.Rnw:

    % reduce whitespace between R code and R output
    % show R> prompt before R commands
    <<r setup, echo=FALSE>>=
    options(prompt='R> ')

    and the output looks like this:

    pdf generated by knitr with reduced whitespace between R code and output