i'm with an small problem... I created an query on SQL that works perfectly.
I need an column on query result, that tells me if this row, exists in another row, and group by user_id.
this is my query at moment:
select u.*,
case when m.usuario_id = u.id
then 1
else 0
end as posicionado
from usuario u
left join ( select usuario_id from matriz where matriz = 1 ) as m
on u.id = m.usuario_id group by u.id
But when i try convert do DQL, it gives a problem on left join ( select
Here is my actual DQL:
CASE WHEN IDENTITY(m.usuario) = u.id
END AS posicionado
FROM AppBundle:Usuario u
LEFT JOIN (SELECT IDENTITY (ma.usuario_id) FROM AppBundle:Matriz ma WHERE ma.matriz = 1) as m ON u.id = m.usuario_id group by u.id
It seens like if Doctrine cant understand that query. This is the error:
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 206 near '(SELECT IDENTITY(ma.usuario_id)': Error: Class '(' is not defined.
Can someone help me understand how to use Querys on JOIN with Doctrine? I need it to use with KNPPaginationBundle. And it does not work with raw SQL.
Try not using the Identity
function. You don't need it since you're selecting from Matriz. But still I would remove inner select and use on like below:
CASE WHEN IDENTITY(m.usuario) = u.id
END AS posicionado
FROM AppBundle:Usuario u
LEFT JOIN AppBundle:Matriz ma ON ma.matriz = 1 AND m.usario_id = u.id
group by u.id
Also if you'll show your entities I could improve the join.