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BeautifulSoup: Scrape list of embedded href links

I'm working on scraping information about some of the most recent trending videos here I loaded the page into BeautifulSoup but get an error when trying to run through the list of div's I need to parse.

import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ''
page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page,'html.parser')

#narrow in to divs with relevant meta-data
videos = soup.find_all('div',class_='yt-lockup-content')
videos[50].div.a['href'] #checking one specific DIV
>>u'user/nameofchannel' #works

Up to this point I have returned information I need, but when I try to run through all divs (70+ on this page as of writing), I get a error related to the data type this method returns.

for v in videos:
>> TypeError: list indices must be integers, not Tag

How can I run through the list of div's returned in 'videos' and print out a list of values that match 'video[n].div.a['href'] ?


  • for v in range(len(videos)):

    what you need is the index of videos list , not the tag in it.


    for index, value in enumerate(videos):

    Much Better:

    [v.div.a['href'] for v in videos]

    use list comprehension is recommended for this kind of task