property parent : class "NSObject"
-- IBOutlets
property theWindow : missing value
set value1 to :value number 1
on buttonClick_(sender)
set the clipboard to value1
end buttonClick_
I'm very lost with the way Xcode is handling variable. My variable are reported not defined, I figured out that this is actually not the case when I set the variable in a "sender"
but what If I want to use a variable outside a button/sender ? or what if I want to use the same variable in two different buttons.
I have the feeling that what I'm asking not making much sense but hopefully someone will get me there.
It's like in Objective-C or Swift:
Either declare a property with a default value:
property value1 : 1
Or declare the property without a value and set the value in a handler:
property value1 : missing value
on applicationDidFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
set value1 to 1
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
AppleScript code must always run in a handler. Even in a simple compiled script if you write code on the top level of the script the compiler wraps the code in the implicit on run