How to Develop inspect element tab section for my Web Browser which i've developed in VS2015 Community. Please help I'm searching this from last few days...
A suggestion for this could be using the TreeView Class which could potentially provide you with what you are looking for (If you're looking to create the 'Inspect Element' in it's entirety). If you just want the code then simply using the DocumentText WebBrowser Property would do that. Just having a TextBox and writing the document text into it, then you could make changes and then on a 'onFocus' Event on the WebBrowser you could have it write the edited text back to the browsers html code.
(I have done the second way before out of curiosity and it's obviously much simpler than the other way that i have suggested)
- But with the TreeView :
You can dynamically add Nodes to that object. Roots are 'Base' Nodes (Parents) and the and the Child, well, is obviously the Child of the Root Node. (A node consisting of an actual name to call it by, a display name (text), and a tag for any extra info.)
But anyways, the TreeView would be the most work to do.
A few other things potentially worth your time to look at, if you chose to do either option, I've written below in a comment.