Needed positive time interval taken from given NSDate. Both methods below do that.
NSTimeInterval timeInterval = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:dateStart];
timerLbl.text=[[NSDateComponentsFormatter new] stringFromTimeInterval:timeInterval];
NSTimeInterval timeInterval = fabs([dateStart timeIntervalSinceNow]);
timerLbl.text=[[NSDateComponentsFormatter new] stringFromTimeInterval:timeInterval];
Was wondering if the last method was OK. Appreciate your input.
Of course it's ok.
The property timeIntervalSinceNow
is a computed property of a Date
instance. It tells you how many seconds in the future a given date is.
If you ask a date in the past how many seconds in the future it is, it will give you an answer that's a negative number.
If instead you want to know how many seconds in the past a date is, use fabs()