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How do i replace all elements of an array that satisfy a condition?

I have the cell array:

im = {'A+','B-','B+','A+'; 'A-','B-', NaN, 'A+'};

I want to loop through each row to see which ones that have both sums of 'A's and 'B's equal to 2. Then i would replace these rows with NaNs. I have the code:

for ii = 1: size(im,1)
  if (sum(strcmp('A+', im), 2) + sum(strcmp('A-', im), 2)) == 2 & (sum(strcmp('B+', im), 2) + sum(strcmp('B-', im), 2))== 2

     im{ii, 1} = NaN;
     im{ii, 2} = NaN;
     im{ii, 3} = NaN;
     im{ii, 4} = NaN;       

When i remove the 2nd row from im, i get the ans: im = {NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN}. However, when i include the 2nd row, im remains as it is originally. Please, what could possibly be wrong with my code? Secondly, is there a better way to replace the elements?

Any help or suggestions please??? Many thanks.


  • Your code doesn't work because in the if statement you are checking for the sum in the whole cell, not just in a single row. You should use something like this:

    if (sum(strcmp('A+', im(ii,:)), 2) + sum(strcmp('A-', im(ii,:)), 2)) == 2 & (sum(strcmp('B+', im(ii,:)), 2) + sum(strcmp('B-', im(ii,:)), 2))== 2

    Additionaly, you can change your next four lines for a single one like this:

    im(ii,:) = {NaN}