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Can I create multiple identity tables in ASP.NET MVC?

In my project, Admin adds Instructors, then each Instructor adds his students. When they are added, they'll receive an email asks them to complete registration .

I have the following classes in my project :

1-Student class

Student: int id, int Registry number, int grade, string password, string email, string name

2-Instructor class:

Instructor: int id, string name , string email , string password

3-My database context:

 public class InstructorContext:DbContext
    public InstructorContext() : base("InstructorContext")

    public DbSet<Instructor> Instructors { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }}

When a user loges in , I must determine whether he is an Admin or Instructor or Student. Do I have to use role-based authentication? I already have 2 separate classes for different roles. Is it possible for both of them to inherit from IdentityUser?


  • No, you cannot have multiple user tables with Identity, at least not technically. All the other core components of Identity (roles, claims, logins, etc.) are setup with foreign keys to one user table.

    For your scenario here, you should use inheritance. For example:

    public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
    public class Instructor : ApplicationUser
    public class Student : ApplicationUser

    By default, Entity Framework will create the one table for ApplicationUser and add a Discriminator column to it. This column will have one of three possible values: "ApplicationUser", "Instructor", and "Student". When EF reads from this table, it will use this column to instantiate the right class. This is what's known as single-table inheritance (STI) or alternatively as table-per-hierarchy (TPH). The main downside to this approach is that all of the properties for all of the classes must be represented on the same table. If you're creating a new Student for example, the columns for an Instructor would still be on the record, only with nulls or defaults for those values. This also means that you can't enforce a property on something like Instructor be required at the database level, as that would prevent saving ApplicationUser and Student instances which are unable to provide those values. In other words, all your properties on your derived classes must be nullable. However, you can always still enforce something like a property being required for the purpose of a form using view models.

    If you really want to have separate tables, you can somewhat achieve that goal by changing the inheritance strategy to what's called table-per-type (TPT). What this will do is keep the table for ApplicationUser, but add two additional tables, one each for Instructor and Student. However, all the core properties, foreign keys, etc. will be on the table for ApplicationUser, since that is where those are defined. The tables for Instructor and Student would house only properties that are defined on those classes (if any) and a foreign key to the table for ApplicationUser. When querying, EF will then do joins to bring in the data from all of these tables and instantiate the appropriate classes with the appropriate data. Some purists like this approach better as keeps the data normalized in the database. However, it's necessarily heavier on the query side because of the joins.

    One last word of caution, as this trips people up constantly dealing with inheritance with Identity. The UserManager class is a generic class (UserManager<TUser>). The default instance in AccountController, for example, is an instance of UserManager<ApplicationUser>. As a result, if you use that instance, all users returned from queries will be ApplicationUser instances, regardless of the value of the Discriminator column. To get Instructor instances, you would need to instantiate UserManager<Instructor> and use that for your Instructor-related queries.

    This is especially true with creating users for the first time. Consider the following:

    var user = new Instructor();

    You might expect that the user would be saved with a discriminator value of "Instructor", but it will actually be saved with "ApplicationUser". This is because, again, UserManager is an instance of UserManager<ApplicationUser> and your Instructor is being upcasted. Again, as long as you remember to use the appropriate type of UserManager<TUser> you'll be fine.