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How to check if certain user has made database items using jsp view

I have a database table called bookings, and what i'm trying to do but couldn't find so far, is to check with if-else, if there are bookings made by certain user, and display them in a table.

enter image description here

So i'm looking for something like this:

(semi-pseudo code below)

<c:when test="${bookings.where(booking.userId == currentUserId) > 0}">
   display table with those items...

so this would get me all the table items made by that user

How can i test this in a jsp view page?

Thanks in advance.

PS: displaying the items is not a problem, i can at least do that on my own :)

EDIT backend part :

    public String getAllBookings(Model model) {

        Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
        UserDetails userDetail = (UserDetails) auth.getPrincipal();

        User user = userService.findByUsername(userDetail.getUsername());
        int currentUserId = user.getId();

        List<Booking> bookings = bookingService.getAllBookings();
        model.addAttribute("bookings", bookings);

        model.addAttribute("currentUserId", currentUserId);
        model.addAttribute("currentUser", getPrincipal());

        return "booking-list";


  • First of all you probably should do this on backend and just pass filtered list, but for the jsp approach you can use forEach.


    <c:forEach items="${bookings}" var="booking">
        <c:if test="${booking.userId == currentUserId}">

    Edit: question updated

    To filter bookings in the backend you could use Stream API:

    List<Booking> bookings = bookingService.getAllBookings().stream()
            .filter(b -> b.getUserId() == currentUserId)
    model.addAttribute("bookings", bookings);

    Edit 2.0:

    Actually you shouldn't even filter them in java. Since you take the data from database, you should implement getBookingsForUserId() and use WHERE clause to filter them.