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How to rollback, reset, or drop Ecto test database?

Usually mix.test cleans the test database, but it is not working.

It may be because I was playing around with making a users schema, but didn't want to use what I made so I got rid of it. I then started over and made a new schema for users which was different from the first.

When I tried to run mix test again, there was an error that some fields did not exist which should have been there with the new schema.


  • You can access the test database by using MIX_ENV=test followed by a command such as mix do ecto.drop, mix ecto.reset or mix ecto.rollback.

    In this particular case, I used:

    MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.reset

    If your application has multiple repos (DBs), you'll want to specify a specific repo to avoid applying the operation to all repos. For example

    mix ecto.drop --repo Order.Repo

    To find out more about an Ecto task, use mix help <task>