I already found partial solution here for my problem with encoding with some French words...
However! Few characters are doing problems and I cant figure out why. I have tried to do separate VBA script for directly copying this problematic word with those characters and it was OK, which is real mystery to me!
With my complex translation code (see old post), in excel sheet I have Français and in XML then wrong representation Français
CODE which works OK
Sub EncodingRepair()
Dim strLine As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim strFolderPath As String
strFolderPath = "C:\Users\zema\Documents\"
Set fOutputFile = fso.CreateTextFile(strFolderPath & "EncodingRepair.xml", True)
strLine = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("wording").Range("G16").Text
fOutputFile.WriteLine (strLine & vbCrLn)
End Sub
Only difference here is loading string... In this small code I am loading Text from direct Cell (just for try) and in my complex code, there is loading from .Range object where I put finded .Row
Complex CODE where I have problems with last few words
If intChoice <> 0 Then
strPath = Application.FileDialog( _
Dim strFolderPath As String
strFolderPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 4)
Set fGermanOutputFile = fso.CreateTextFile((strFolderPath & "_German.xml"), True, True)
Set fItalianOutputFile = fso.CreateTextFile((strFolderPath & "_Italian.xml"), True, True)
Set fFrenchOutputFile = fso.CreateTextFile((strFolderPath & "_French.xml"), True, True)
Open strPath For Input As #1
AlarmString = "RESETNoTranslation"
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strLine
AllLine = strLine
Alarm = InStr(1, strLine, AlarmString)
intLastFoundChar = 0
strGermanLine = ""
strFrenchLine = ""
strItalianLine = ""
For intI = 0 To (UBound(ArrStrOpeningTags, 1) - 1)
intFoundString = InStr(strLine, ArrStrOpeningTags(intI))
If intFoundString <> 0 Then
intI = 4
End If
Next intI
If ((intFoundString <> 0) And (Alarm = 0)) Then
For intJ = 0 To (UBound(ArrStrParamsToReplace) - 1)
strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - intLastFoundChar)
strStringToLookFor = (ArrStrParamsToReplace(intJ) & "=""")
intFoundString = InStr(1, strLine, strStringToLookFor, vbBinaryCompare)
If intFoundString <> 0 Then
intStringSplitIndex = (intFoundString + Len(strStringToLookFor))
strStringToLookFor = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - intStringSplitIndex + 1)
strDummyString = Left(strLine, intStringSplitIndex - 1)
strGermanLine = strGermanLine & strDummyString
strFrenchLine = strFrenchLine & strDummyString
strItalianLine = strItalianLine & strDummyString
intLastFoundChar = intLastFoundChar + intStringSplitIndex
intFoundString = InStr(strStringToLookFor, """")
If intFoundString <> 0 strStringToLookFor = Left(strStringToLookFor, intFoundString - 1)
Set rngFoundString = rngEnglishDictionary.Find(strStringToLookFor)
If (rngFoundString Is Nothing) Then
Debug.Print "String " & strStringToLookFor & " not found!"
strGermanLine = strGermanLine & strStringToLookFor & """"
strFrenchLine = strFrenchLine & strStringToLookFor & """"
strItalianLine = strItalianLine & strStringToLookFor & """"
intWordToReplaceIndex = rngEnglishDictionary.Find(strStringToLookFor).Row - rngEnglishDictionary.Row + 1
strGermanLine = strGermanLine & rngGermanDictionary(intWordToReplaceIndex) & """"
strFrenchLine = strFrenchLine & rngFrenchDictionary(intWordToReplaceIndex) & """"
strItalianLine = strItalianLine & rngItalianDictionary(intWordToReplaceIndex) & """"
End If
intLastFoundChar = intLastFoundChar + Len(strStringToLookFor)
End If
End If
Next intJ
If intJ = 2 Then
strEndOfLine = Right(AllLine, Len(AllLine) - intLastFoundChar)
strGermanLine = strGermanLine & strEndOfLine
strFrenchLine = strFrenchLine & strEndOfLine
strItalianLine = strItalianLine & strEndOfLine
End If
strGermanLine = strLine
strFrenchLine = strLine
strItalianLine = strLine
End If
fGermanOutputFile.WriteLine (strGermanLine & vbCrLn)
fFrenchOutputFile.WriteLine (strFrenchLine & vbCrLn)
fItalianOutputFile.WriteLine (strItalianLine & vbCrLn)
strGermanLine = ""
strFrenchLine = ""
strItalianLine = ""
End If
End Sub
Your input file is not Unicode but utf-8, so the fso TextStream
approach will not work for reading, as the FileSystemObject knows only ASCII and Unicode, not Utf-8. For the latter you need a reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects and an ADODB.Stream.
Here an example that you can build around your code which uses UTF-8 as input encoding and writes Unicode to the "EncodingRepair.xml" file:
Sub EncodingRepair()
Dim strPath As String
Dim fso As Object, inFile As Object
Dim fOutputFile As Object, AllLine As String
Dim LineArray As Variant
Dim strFolderPath As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set inFile = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
strFolderPath = "C:\Users\zema\Documents\"
strPath = "C:\00_Tools\test\test.txt"
Set fOutputFile = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\00_Tools\test\EncodingRepair.xml", True, True)
Set inFile = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
inFile.Charset = "utf-8"
inFile.LoadFromFile (strPath)
AlarmString = "RESETNoTranslation"
While Not inFile.EOS
alltext = inFile.ReadText
LineArray = Split(alltext, vbCrLf)
For i = 0 To UBound(LineArray)
AllLine = LineArray(i)
'do your magic
fOutputFile.WriteLine AllLine
Next i
End Sub
Make sure to always use the proper encoding both when reading and writing.