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unicode_literals and doctest in Python 2.7 AND Python 3.5

Consider the following demo script:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import unicode_literals

def myDivi():
    This is a small demo that just returns the output of a divison.
    >>> myDivi()
    return 1/2

def myUnic():
    This is a small demo that just returns a string.
    >>> myUnic()
    return 'abc'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest
    extraglobs = {}

The doctest passes on Python 3.5, but fails on Python 2.7.9.
The strange thing is, the divison test works, but the unicode test fails.

I have seen various questions, including the following

but they are all somewhat different (e.g. they are outdated (referring to Py 2.6 or Py 3.0), import statement is within the doctest instead of globally, use pytest instead of standard doctest, switch to different assert etc)
Still, I tried various alternatives based on these questions, including e.g.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest
    import __future__
    extraglobs = {'unicode_literals': __future__.unicode_literals}


def myUnic():
    This is a small demo that just returns a string.
    >>> myUnic()
    u'abc' # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE
    return 'abc'

but it still does not work, either on Python 2 or 3 or gives other errors.
Is there a way to make it pass on both 3.5+ AND 2.7.9+, without ugly hacks? I am also using these docstrings for generating documentation, so I would prefer to keep them more or less as they are.


  • In agreement with Martijn Pieters comments in Multi version support for Python doctests, I suggest to rely on testing using some real unit test framework.

    You may still use the doctest strings, because they may be nice for documentation. Think for the future, and write them for Python 3. The same time, write unit tests for another unit-testing framework. Do not rely on doctest for Python 2 version of your application/module.