I would like to modify the contents of a file placed in my project folder (Specifically "Assets/recentChanges.txt") at runtime. Let's say it contains information about recent changes in application. It is supposed to be read and bound to a textbox control, which later on can be edited by developers and saved back. The problem with content files is that they are copied to output directories and therefore I'm not editing the original file in Assets folder, but the one in bin/Debug/Assets/ folder. And the Embedded Resource build action is not an option since such files cannot be modified.
The question is: how can I modify mentioned .txt file in its original root/Assets/recentChanges.txt location during runtime? All of the below instructions point to similiar build-dependant path:
Or, in other words, what would be the correct approach for implementing "Recent Changes" section with following conditions:
I am aware that it's probably not the perfect approach, because "recent changes" info could be collected from database or the .txt file could be modified manually and then copied to output locations... but nevertheless I think the issue is somewhat confusing and I would love some help. Thanks!
The compiled and running application doesn't know anything about some "original" location. This location is only important to Visual Studio when the application is built.
If you want to modify the file in this folder you should specify an absolute path to it, i.e. "c:\your_project_folder\file.txt
The .exe cannot be supposed to know from where it was compiled