I have a following Cypher query/Spring Data Neo4j 4 that returns a list of Criterion with their average weight which were added on these Criterion
for a specific childDecisionId
MATCH (parentD:Decision)-[:CONTAINS]->(childD:Decision)
WHERE id(childD) = {childDecisionId} AND id(parentD) = {parentDecisionId}
WITH childD, parentD MATCH (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(c:Criterion)<-[:VOTED_ON]-(vg:VoteGroup)-[:VOTED_FOR]->(childD)
RETURN c AS criterion, vg.avgVotesWeight AS weight
@Query("MATCH (parentD:Decision)-[:CONTAINS]->(childD:Decision) WHERE id(childD) = {childDecisionId} AND id(parentD) = {parentDecisionId} WITH childD, parentD MATCH (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(c:Criterion)<-[:VOTED_ON]-(vg:VoteGroup)-[:VOTED_FOR]->(childD) RETURN c AS criterion, vg.avgVotesWeight AS weight")
List<WeightedCriterion> getCriteriaWithAvgVotesWeightForChildDecision(@Param("childDecisionId") Long childDecisionId, @Param("parentDecisionId") Long parentDecisionId);
This is WeightedCriterion
public class WeightedCriterion {
private Criterion criterion;
private Double weight;
I need to change this query in order to return a list of Criterion
with their average weight not only for a single child decision but for all child decisions of a parent parentDecisionId
.. in other word this query should return something like this:
where DecisionWeightedCriterion
looks like for example:
public class DecisionWeightedCriterion {
private Decision decision;
private List<WeightedCriterion> weightedCriteria;
Is it possible and if so, could you please help with this Cypher query ?
I have implemented this query in a following way:
MATCH (parentD:Decision)-[:CONTAINS]->(childD:Decision)
WHERE id(parentD) = {parentDecisionId}
WITH childD, parentD MATCH (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(c:Criterion)<-[:VOTED_ON]-(vg:VoteGroup)-[:VOTED_FOR]->(childD) WITH childD, {criterion: c, weight: vg.avgVotesWeight} AS weightedCriterion
RETURN childD AS decision, collect(weightedCriterion) as weightedCriteria
Please correct me if I'm wrong.