I have an UWP application which display the battery status. On change of power saving mode in the application need to reflect in System settings.
Is it possible in UWP?
Is it possible in UWP?
No, this is not possible in UWP. We can't change System Settings just within a UWP app programmatically. As @lindexi said, the proper way to achieve what you want is launching the Settings app and then let user change the battery saver setting.
To launch to the battery saver setting page, we can use "ms-settings:batterysaver" URI like the following:
bool result = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-settings:batterysaver"));
For more info, please see Launch the Windows Settings app.
And after this, we can use PowerManager.EnergySaverStatus property to check if user has enabled battery saver.