I have an iframe added inside a div tag. Iframe content has tag "sec" with specific id, like,
<sec id='1'>some text</sec>
<sec id='2'>some other text</sec>
Iframe content spreads horizontally using column width and column gap. Div is scrollable as per the iframes width.
What I need to find is the first and last id value of 'sec' tag which is visible in viewport currently.
I found about getBoundingClientRect but not clear on how it can be used?
Also the concern is that will it not increase processing load since we need to run a loop to check for each tag position?
Can anyone shade some light on it?
Here's how you can get the id of the first and last visible element inside an iframe, using jQuery.isInView:
var $iframe = $( yourIframeSelector ),
_document = $iframe[0].contentDocument,
$elements = $( yourElementSelector, _document ),
$visible = $elements.inView( _document ),
firstId = $visible.first().attr( "id" ),
lastId = $visible.last().attr( "id" );