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Restrict users access using shiro ZeppelinHub Realm


I'd want a group of people to have access to our spark/zeppelin cluster. For that I use the shiro authentication configuration as explained on the zeppelin website which basically comes down to adding the following to your shiro.ini

### A sample for configuring ZeppelinHub Realm
zeppelinHubRealm = org.apache.zeppelin.realm.ZeppelinHubRealm
## Url of ZeppelinHub
zeppelinHubRealm.zeppelinhubUrl =
securityManager.realms = $zeppelinHubRealm


The problem is that it seems that everyone with a zeppelinhub account can access this server.


How can I restrict access to only those users with a zeppelinhub account that I know?


  • Right now there are no way to do that, but i heard that zeppelinhub will have organization concept so my guess is that they will provide a way to login user to a zeppelin with a specific organization.