Please check the below code, Can we use the WeakReferences like below in Utils class to handle context memory leakage?
private static final String TAG = "Utils";
private static Utils instance;
private Context context;
public Utils(WeakReference<Context> context) {
this.context = context.get();
public static synchronized final Utils getInstance(Context context) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Utils(new WeakReference<Context>(context));
return instance;
No, a WeakReference can return null at any time so it makes this kind of pointless.
You are going to have check the WeakReference for a null every time you access it and then you will need to deal with that case by providing the context in the methods arguments, therefore eliminating the need to store a context in the fields.
A better (but not the best) solution is to use the ApplicationContext, context.getApplicationContext()
, probably the best is to pass the context into every method call.