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Cmocka: checking a structure passed as a parameter

Let's say that I declare a C struct called foo, which has an int field called bar and a char * called baz.

How do I use the Cmocka expect_ and check_expected macros to check that the structure passed was correct and both fields have the expected values? If there is an example in the documentation, I missed it.

[Update] Perhaps I can use expect_check()? But I can't find an example :-(


  • Use expect_memory(...) and check_expected(...):


    I assume you have a function under test fut which calls a subfunction subfunc. Your struct looks like this:

    typedef struct foo_s {
      int bar;
      int baz;
    } foo;

    And your test driving function could look like this:

    void test(void **state) {
       foo myfoo = {
         .bar = 42,
         .baz = 13,
       expect_memory(subfunc, param, &myfoo, sizeof(foo));

    And the subfunctions could look like this:

    void subfunc(foo *param){