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Java Android Realm contains

I want to get a result with contains with world I do this ;

  public static RealmResults<WyborTrasyRealm> getFiltrWyborTrasyLists(Realm realm,String column, String filtr) {
        return realm.where(WyborTrasyRealm.class).contains(column,filtr).findAll();

But when I have a row with name : TAG and when I in constains have


I get an empty list how I can ignore case in realm ?


  • I do this and it works :

     public static RealmResults<WyborTrasyRealm> getFiltrWyborTrasyLists(Realm realm,String column, String filtr) {
            return realm.where(WyborTrasyRealm.class).contains(column,filtr,  Case.INSENSITIVE).findAll();