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Understanding z3 bvsmod behavior with SSA

I am trying to learn using z3. So this question might be silly.

Why do I get a unexpected values for x___0 from Z3 when I use bvsmod as compared to bvadd in the following code. I'm using SSA to implement execution flow here.

Z3 instructions:

(set-option false)
; The code
;  x %= 5
;  x * 2 == 8
; Implement SSA
;  x1 = x0 % 5
;  x1 * 2 == 8
(set-info :status unknown)
(declare-const x___0 (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-const x___1 (_ BitVec 32))
(assert (= x___1 (bvsmod x___0 (_ bv5 32))))
(assert (= (bvmul x___1 (_ bv2 32)) (_ bv8 32)))
; The code
;  x += 1
;  x * 2 == 8
; Implement SSA
;  x1 = x0 + 1
;  x1 * 2 == 8
(declare-const x___0 (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-const x___1 (_ BitVec 32))
(assert (= x___1 (bvadd x___0 (_ bv1 32))))
(assert (= (bvmul x___1 (_ bv2 32)) (_ bv8 32)))


    (define-fun x___1 () (_ BitVec 32)
        (_ bv4 32))
    (define-fun x___0 () (_ BitVec 32)
        (_ bv3720040335 32))
    (define-fun x___1 () (_ BitVec 32)
        (_ bv4 32))
    (define-fun x___0 () (_ BitVec 32)
        (_ bv3 32))

In case of equation where I use bvadd x___0 get a value 3, which makes sense.

Why do I get a value 3720040335 in case of bvsmod, which is no where near the expected value i.e. some value ending with 4?


  • There's nothing wrong with the value you are getting. Your encoding is just fine.

    Notice that you are using 32-bit signed integers (implicitly implied by the call to bvsmod.) The model returned gives you the value 32-bit bit-vector value whose decimal equivalent is 3720040335. When interpreted as a signed-value, this is actually -574926961, and you can verify (-574926961) % 5 indeed equals 4 as you requested.

    Note that the solver is free to give you any model that satisfies your constraints. If you want a more specific value, you'll need to add additional constraints to encode what "simple" should formally mean.