I am new to push notification. I am trying to use pyfcm for sending push notifications. A few questions:
1. Registration_ids: I am not sure how to get the "registration_ids" for iOS and Android through pyfcm.
Registration ID/Tokens can only be generated on your client app side (Android/iOS).
See how to setup an Android Client here, iOS Client here, and JavaScript Client here.
2. Also, is it same as the instance id token?
AFAIK, this is also a term sometimes used for the Registration Token. Since it is from the InstanceID the Registration Token comes from.
3. Is it always same for a device or is it specific between an app and device?
Each token is unique for each app instance (i.e. device). Referring from the Registration token docs I linked in #1:
An ID generated by the FCM SDK for each client app instance. Required for single device and device group messaging. Note that registration tokens must be kept secret.