Suppose a list L, with length n, is interleaved in list J, with length n + 1. We'd like to know, for each element of J, which of its neighbors from L is the greater. The following function takes L as its input, and produces a list K, also of length n + 1, such that the ith element of K is the desired neighbor of the ith element of J.
aux [] prev acc = prev:acc
aux (hd:tl) prev acc = aux tl hd ((max hd prev):acc)
expand row = reverse (aux row 0 [])
I can prove to myself, informally, that the length of the result of this function (which I originally wrote in Ocaml) is one greater than the length of the input. But I hopped over to Haskell (a new language for me) because I got interested in being able to prove via the type system that this invariant holds. With the help of this previous answer, I was able to get as far as the following:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies #-}
data Z
data S n
type family (:+:) a b :: *
type instance (:+:) Z n = n
type instance (:+:) (S m) n = S (m :+: n)
-- A List of length 'n' holding values of type 'a'
data List a n where
Nil :: List a Z
Cons :: a -> List a m -> List a (S m)
aux :: List a n -> a -> List a m -> List a (n :+: (S m))
aux Nil prev acc = Cons prev acc
aux (Cons hd tl) prev acc = aux tl hd (Cons (max hd prev) acc)
However, the last line produces the following error:
* Could not deduce: (m1 :+: S (S m)) ~ S (m1 :+: S m)
from the context: n ~ S m1
bound by a pattern with constructor:
Cons :: forall a m. a -> List a m -> List a (S m),
in an equation for `aux'
at pyramid.hs:23:6-15
Expected type: List a (n :+: S m)
Actual type: List a (m1 :+: S (S m))
* In the expression: aux tl hd (Cons (max hd prev) acc)
In an equation for `aux':
aux (Cons hd tl) prev acc = aux tl hd (Cons (max hd prev) acc)
* Relevant bindings include
acc :: List a m (bound at pyramid.hs:23:23)
tl :: List a m1 (bound at pyramid.hs:23:14)
aux :: List a n -> a -> List a m -> List a (n :+: S m)
(bound at pyramid.hs:22:1)
It seems that what I need to do is teach the compiler that (x :+: (S y)) ~ S (x :+: y)
. Is this possible?
Alternatively, are there better tools for this problem than the type system?
First, some imports and language extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeInType, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, TypeApplications, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
import Data.Type.Equality
We now have DataKinds
(or TypeInType
) which allows us to promote any data to the type level (with its own kind), so the type level naturals really deserve to be defined as a regular data
(heck, this is exactly the motivating examples the previous link to the GHC docs give!). Nothing changes with your List
type, but (:+:)
really should be a closed type family (now over things of kind Nat
-- A natural number type (that can be promoted to the type level)
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- A List of length 'n' holding values of type 'a'
data List a n where
Nil :: List a Z
Cons :: a -> List a m -> List a (S m)
type family (+) (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) :: Nat where
Z + n = n
S m + n = S (m + n)
Now, in order to make the proofs work for aux
, it is useful to define singleton types for natural numbers.
-- A singleton type for `Nat`
data SNat n where
SZero :: SNat Z
SSucc :: SNat n -> SNat (S n)
-- Utility for taking the predecessor of an `SNat`
sub1 :: SNat (S n) -> SNat n
sub1 (SSucc x) = x
-- Find the size of a list
size :: List a n -> SNat n
size Nil = SZero
size (Cons _ xs) = SSucc (size xs)
Now, we are in shape to start proving some stuff. From Data.Type.Equality
, a :~: b
represents a proof that a ~ b
. We need to prove one simple thing about arithmetic.
-- Proof that n + (S m) == S (n + m)
plusSucc :: SNat n -> SNat m -> (n + S m) :~: S (n + m)
plusSucc SZero _ = Refl
plusSucc (SSucc n) m = gcastWith (plusSucc n m) Refl
Finally, we can use gcastWith
to use this proof in aux
. Oh and you were missing the Ord a
constraint. :)
aux :: Ord a => List a n -> a -> List a m -> List a (n + S m)
aux Nil prev acc = Cons prev acc
aux (Cons hd tl) prev acc = gcastWith (plusSucc (size tl) (SSucc (size acc)))
aux tl hd (Cons (max hd prev) acc)
-- append to a list
(|>) :: List a n -> a -> List a (S n)
Nil |> y = Cons y Nil
(Cons x xs) |> y = Cons x (xs |> y)
-- reverse 'List'
rev :: List a n -> List a n
rev Nil = Nil
rev (Cons x xs) = rev xs |> x
Let me know if this answers your question - getting started with this sort of thing involves a lot of new stuff.