The "AWS SDK for C++ Documentation Examples" README says:
To build and run these examples, you'll need: ... AWS credentials, either configured in a local AWS credentials file or by setting the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.
Credentials file:
$ cat ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = ...
aws_secret_access_key = ...
output = text
region = us-west-2
The AWS client command works correctly:
$ aws cloudwatch put-metric-data \
--namespace aws-sdk-cpp-test \
--metric-name "New Posts" \
--timestamp "$(date)" \
--value 0.7 \
--unit Count
However, if I run the cw_put_metric_data
example, metrics go to us-east-1 instead of us-west-2.
EDIT: Aws::CloudWatch::CloudWatchClient is instantiated with the default Aws::Client:ClientConfiguration in which region is hard-wired to US_EAST_1. So the question is how to make use of ~/.aws/credentials?
You can use this class:
Then use the values there to pass to your client configuration.