I am pretty new to coq and I have so far managed to only prove things that are I can also prove by hand. So when I came across the Selection monad and decided to implement it in haskell, I thought it would be a good excercise but I got stuck. Could someone provide an example of a proof in coq that the selection monad is an applicative and a monad? Here is a haskell implementation of the functor.
newtype Sel r a = Sel { runSel :: (a -> r) -> a }
instance Functor (Sel r) where
fmap ab (Sel ara) = Sel (ab . ara . (. ab))
Extra thanks if you can also also prove the monad laws.
EDIT: Here is my proof that the functor exists:
Definition sel (R A : Type) := (A -> R) -> A.
Theorem functor_exists : forall (R A B : Type),
(A -> B) -> sel R A -> sel R B.
intros R A B. unfold sel. intros AB ARA BR.
apply AB. apply ARA. intro. apply BR. apply AB. exact X.
You don't have to use tactics because it's Coq: you can use it as a programming language in a way that is fairly similar to Haskell.
First, because R
is going to be a variable present all the time in this section, we can make the notations a bit lighter by mentioning it once and for all:
Section SelMon.
Variable (R : Type).
We can then replicate your definition of sel
(without the R
variable because it's already in context). And write fmap
as a nice definition rather than a proof using tactics:
Definition sel (A : Type) := (A -> R) -> A.
Definition fmap {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (s : sel A) : sel B :=
fun br => f (s (fun a => br (f a))).
The next step to prove that you have an applicative is to provide a pure
method. Well it's easy enough: we can use a constant function.
Definition pure {A : Type} (a : A) : sel A :=
fun _ => a.
Then it gets a bit hairy. I'd advise you to start with join
and then derive bind
(and app
from it) using the canonical constructions:
Definition join {A : Type} (ssa : sel (sel A)) : sel A.
Definition bind {A B : Type} (sa : sel A) (asb : A -> sel B) : sel B.
Definition app {A B : Type} (sab : sel (A -> B)) (sa : sel A) : sel B.
Once you're done with these, you can close the section and R
will be added as a parameter to all of your definitions.
End SelMon.