When I try to index the smallest value in a column using Pandas, it converts my DataFrame into an object instead of a DataFrame with one row. I would like to revert back to a DataFrame even if it's just a single row.
for j in Amount_ref:
group['helper'] = np.abs(group['Amount'] - j)
closest = group.ix[group['helper'].idxmin()]
This is the output I am getting:
LoanAgreementID E2502C04-DBC3-E611-8126-06CAB7997043
Amount 566.12
TransactionDate 2016-12-16 14:00:20.243000
ContactID 001A29DC-9253-E611-8126-06CAB7997043
PaymentType NaN
CashLedgerType 5
KeyValue_String Cheque
KeyValue_String None
AutoNumber 54980
IssueDate 2016-12-15 00:00:00
helper 0
Name: 2, dtype: object
This should help:
index = group['helper'].idxmin()
closest = group.loc[index:index]