I'm trying to use GoogleVis with the new package FlexDashboard, which is like the intersection between a basic .Rd and shinyDashboards. It's basically a non-shiny dashboard.
Anyway, I'm trying to embed a googleVis object, which doesn't seem to be supported by default, but I can get the html to show up in the output, so there must be a way! Can we come up with some hack? Maybe combining either plot()
or renderGvis()
combined with some kind of hack? Ormessing with setting op <- options(gvis.plot.tag='chart')
I have failed, but maybe someone else can figure it out?
Building on the awesome answer from Michal Majka at Conditional reactive logic shiny based flexdashboard you can do something like this
title: "Test gvisTable"
orientation: rows
runtime: shiny
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
Column {data-height=350}
### Chart c
#create a ui interaction:
#render the ui:
output$dynamic <- renderUI({
#here is your server activity:
output$myTable <- renderGvis({
gvisTable(Population )