Getting this data back as a notification and want to read it into usable variable types. I got all of them to work but the rewards and aps
%@ [AnyHashable("description"): Open 10 common chests., AnyHashable("icon"): localhost:8000//media/achievements/Common%20Chest%20Go- Getter/bomb.jpg, AnyHashable("name"): Common Chest Go-Getter, AnyHashable("gcm.message_id"):1486597426811663%bf6da727bf. 6da727, AnyHashable("rewards"): {"Battle helm":1,"Gems":1000}, AnyHashable("aps"): {
alert = "Achievement Completed";
So how do convert that to a usable variable?
AnyHashable("rewards"): {"Battle helm":1,"Gems":1000}, AnyHashable("aps"): {
alert = "Achievement Completed";
The returned item is called userInfo so like...
let rewards = userInfo["rewards"] as! [String:Int]
Doesn't work, any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Again I'm in swift 3.0 so swift 3.0 examples could help.
the notification userInfo is parsed as a Dictionary<String, Any>
or [String: Any]
let userInfo: [String: Any] = [
"description": "Open 10 common chests.",
"icon": "localhost:8000//media/achievements/Common%20Chest%20Go- Getter/bomb.jpg",
"name": "Common Chest Go-Getter",
"gcm.message_id": "1486597426811663%bf6da727bf. 6da727",
"rewards": [
"Battle helm": 1,
"aps": [
"alert": "Achievement Completed"
if let rewards = userInfo["rewards"] as? [String: Any] {
if let battle = rewards["Battle helm"] as? Int {
print(battle) // 1
if let gems = rewards["Gems"] as? Int {
print(gems) // 1000
if let aps = userInfo["aps"] as? [String: Any] {
if let alert = aps["alert"] as? String {
print(alert) // Achievement Completed
Looks like you are confused with this:
let arrayOfStrings = [String]()
let dictionary = [String: Any]()
let arrayOfDictionaries = [[String:Any]]()