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My GML shuffling array function is alway returning the same result

I'm trying to make a shuffling array function in GML. Here's what I tried, with argument0 being the array to shuffle and argument1 being the size of this array:

///Shuffling array function

//argument0: the array to shuffle
//argument1: the size of the array

var i;
var j;

show_debug_message("Original array: ");
show_debug_message("Size: ");

for (i = 0; i < argument1; i++)
    j = irandom_range(i, argument1 - 1);

    if (i != j)
        k = argument0[i];
        argument0[i] = argument0[j];
        argument0[j] = k;

show_debug_message("Result array: ");

return argument0;

When I execute this function, I alway got the same result:

Original array: 
{ { 1,2,3,4,5 },  }
Result array: 
{ { 5,3,1,4,2 },  }


  • Have you used the function randomize() anywhere in your game? Randomize will set the seed to a random value each time your game is run — without it, random functions will always return the same result because they're always working with the same seed value.

    NOTE: [Random functions] will return the same value every time the game is run afresh due to the fact that GameMaker: Studio generates the same initial random seed every time to make debugging code a far easier task. To avoid this behaviour use randomize at the start of your game.

    Documentation on randomize():