I have a HABTM relationship between the Theme
and Quote
models. The themes
view displays the count of quotes associated with each theme. I'd like to add a Ransack sort_link
on that column, so the themes
can be sorted by their count of associated quotes
I have done this successfully with has_many
associations using a counter cache column, but Rails does not support counter cache columns for HABTM associations.
So far, I've got a scope that adds a virtual attribute called quotes_count
(by performing a single query, avoiding N+1) to the Theme
scope :with_quotes_count, -> do
joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN quotes_themes on quotes_themes.theme_id = themes.id')
.select('themes.*, COUNT(quotes_themes.quote_id) as quotes_count')
Seems like I have to convert the above scope into a "Ransacker" using ARel but so far all my attempts have failed.
I'm using Rails 4.2.2, ARel 6.0.4 and PostgreSQL 9.5.4.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Given you have your entities queried with the above scope, for example your index query always has:
# controller
@search = Theme.ransack(params[:q])
@themes = @search.result(distinct: true).with_quotes_count
Have a try of:
# model
ransacker :quotes_count_sort do
And use the name of the sort in sort_link