I have a long string.
message := 'I loooove my pet animal';
This string in 23 chars long. If message
is greater that 15 chars, I need to find the length of message
where I can break the string into 2 strings. For example, in this case,
message1 := 'I loove my'
message2 := 'pet animal'
Essentially it should find the position of a whole word at the previous to 15 chars and the break the original string into 2 at that point.
Please give me ideas how I can do this.
Thank you.
First you reverse string.
Then you calculate length i = length(strField)
Then find the first space after the middle
j := INSTR( REVERSE(strField), ' ', i / 2, i)`
Finally split by i - j (maybe +/- 1 need to test it)
WITH parameter (id, strField) as (
select 101, 'I loooove my pet animal' from dual union all
select 102, '1992 was a great year for - make something up here as needed' from dual union all
select 103, 'You are Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' from dual
), prepare (id, rev, len, middle) as (
SELECT id, reverse(strField), length(strField), length(strField) / 2
FROM parameter
SELECT p.*, l.*,
SUBSTR(strField, 1, len - INSTR(rev, ' ', middle)) as first,
SUBSTR(strField, len - INSTR(rev, ' ', middle) + 2, len) as second
FROM parameter p
JOIN prepare l
ON p.id = l.id