I am currently having troubles figuring out how to use pivot attributes in an Ecto many-to-many relationship.
I found the following question but unfortunately nobody had an answer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37158184/elixir-ecto-pivot-many-to-many-table-attributes
Basically I need the same setup as mentioned in the question. Two models and I need to store data to the pivot entry.
Has anybody a solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance!
I am doing something like the following in one of my applications
def Foo do
schema "foos" do
field :name, :string
has_many :bars_foos
def Bar do
schema "bars" do
field :other, :integer
has_many :bars_foos
def BarFoo do
schema "bars_foos" do
field :size, :integer
belongs_to :bars
belongs_to :foos
This uses has_many
and belongs_to
instead of many_to_many
, but it accomplishes something very similar. You can also still use the many_to_many
with through
if you need a direct link to the other dataset.